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Old 2010-09-07, 17:26   Link #2960
Team Rocket Elite
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Close but not good enough Ui. Momoko manages to just barely get by at Touka's expense. At least Touka managed to beat Mikoto. Saten took advantage of her weak competition and the massive vote draw from the other match to put up huge numbers in her match. While Saten is no doubt very strong, her performance today likely makes her look stronger than she actually is.

Ryuuguu Rena

Taneshima Poplar
Kotobuki Tsumugi

Poplar should win her match without any trouble. She's one of the strongest competitors in the contest and her opponents are midcarders or weaker. Perhaps if Eruru still had the strength she had in 2006 she could compete. However as things are she doesn't stand a chance.

First Rika drew Hitagi as a first around opponent and now Rena has the misfortune of drawing Tsumugi in round 1. Rika made a strong run at beating Hitagi and while she ultimately came up short she showed Higurashi isn't completely out of it yet. Even so, Tsumugi is going to be incredibly tough for Rena to beat. In the preliminaries Tsumugi look good by nearly matching Hirasawa Yui and easily outranking Nakamura Yuri. That looked a bit too good so I'm not so sure that was an accurate performance. Since then we've had a couple more K-On!! episodes to help out Tsumugi. Rena on the other hand was out done by Hachikuji Mayoi but still manage to beat Hinamori Amu by a fair bit. This match really should be a Round 3 match not a Round 1 match. Rena will have to give everything she has to try and take Tsumugi home but I don't think it'll be enough. I think Tsumugi will win this one putting an end to Higurashi's Saimoe career.
A miracle that you believe in when you know it won't happen......... is hope.
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