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Old 2010-09-09, 17:46   Link #154
Ichihara Asako
Join Date: Oct 2007
Originally Posted by Heibi View Post
Too bad that's not a common mistake and only a personal preference. And the encoder I deal with goes out of his way to get them done quickly and produce the best product he can.(I think most do) And since you are getting these fansubs for free shouldn't you at least do the honorable thing and watch the actual OP/ED that the folks(animators) who produced it worked on?(Out of respect - or sheer politeness) And you know, since you have to use the pointer to click on the chapter button, it only takes a second or two longer to advance the progress bar on the player.
I disagree. It is a mistake. Chapters are a standard feature of MKVs and not using them is an error on the encoder's part. DVDs are usually chaptered and all the bluray I've seen (no anime yet) have been so far. It's something that should always be done.

I don't have any idea what you're talking about it being honourable to watch OP/EDs when the vast majority of them have terrible music and often contain spoilers (characters not yet appeared, at the minimum). They're worthless to me and a waste of time.

Also, what pointer? I watch most anime on my TV, and I have a remote with a "next" button to skip chapters. Fast forwarding is more clunky. Certainly not a second or two.
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