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Old 2010-09-11, 07:36   Link #3519
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
Besides, Fairy Tail needs their powerhouses bolstered. Luxus was excommunicated and stands risk to having his powers severely weakened if the lacyrhma is removed. Mystgun has resigned from Fairy Tail. Gildarts is strong, but he's been horribly injured by the Black Dragon and won't be at peak form anytime soon. Makarov is unreliable story-wise because of old age + dying plot device.
Do not forget that they also got Gajeel and Juvia added to their ranks. Natsu himself is constantly played up as having great potential for being one of the strongest members. Elfman managed to unlock his true powers and he was played up as one of the stronger members back when he could only use one arm. Lucy has only increased in her number incredibly rare zodiac keys and is fast on her way to having the full set; I can also mention that Loki has grown stronger since joining her. Luxus's minions are also playing nice now and can be relied upon to help out. And Wendy, while she may not be to strong a fighter, is a very valuable support for any team... oh and also Gajeel got his awesome cat

And I should probably add that aside from master jose himself, the guild has so far managed to solve every problem they have come across without even really using the people you have mentioned... though I do think the Gildartz, after recovering, could have likely been able to deal with some of these matters himself, like Jose

Last edited by Slayerx; 2010-09-11 at 11:10.
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