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Old 2010-09-17, 09:32   Link #590
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
I was talking ONLY about DF's

they clashed and Aces fire was equal to Aokijis ice

who of the 2 users would win in a 1v1 fight is an entire matter altogether

and it was used to sum up my 'logic' : ice = fire + lava > fire = lava > ice .. although lava > ice should be a plain fact (as opposed to lava > fire), so I'm not even sure why we're having this discussion

it's irrelevant anyway

even if Akainu can burn through Aokijis insides like he did with Ace (which I believe he absolutely can .. that was the original point) - it doesn't mean he'd get the chance to do so if they fought

Frankly, Ace is quite inferior to all of the admirals.
agreed .. Ace kinda got the worf effect
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