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Old 2004-10-01, 03:24   Link #49
Just Married, Oct. 28th!
Join Date: May 2003
Age: 45
People were meant to catch onto the exaggeration. There is however, real equivelents to most of that stuff. There's what? Three real CSI shows now? The original, Miami, and Las Vegas? Wait, isn't there a CSI New York, too? Or is that the original? I don't really know. But I do know there's several CSI shows. There's also what? Two E.R. shows? At least there where, I think. How many reality tv shows all trying to cash in on the same idea? There's tons of crap on tv not worth bothering with, and it is getting rediculous how they don't even pretend to not be the same exact thing anymore.

It goes both ways, though, there's lots of crap anime all cashing in on the same ideas as well.

Chronissz, don't take it personally when people mock you for complaining about the obvious like that. Live and learn, you've got your valid points, however knocking on obvious exaggerations is not one of them.
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