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Old 2010-09-25, 23:33   Link #3028
"Hey, Isaac?"
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Originally Posted by Cherry_Lover View Post
OK, according to Nasu, it was actually Caster, although he openly admitted that he'd never thought it out properly. It was in one of the side-material books. So, you're not supposed to be able to work it out from that scene, because Nasu himself never really bothered to think about it.

This link explains what he said.
... But that is the least sensible option! Caster even basically says it wasn't her!

Caster: Hah----I killed my Master? I killed Souichirou-sama? Fuh----- haha, hahahahahahaha! That is funny! Perhaps I should have done so, if it was going to turn out like this...!

Y'know what? Screw Word of God, I'm just going with 'True Assassin killed him'. It makes more sense. Frickin' Nasu.

Oh, and BTW, Caster's death never actually "brought the shadow into being", from what I can tell. I'm pretty sure that Caster was actually eaten by it. Fake Assassin, however, was not. Zouken used him as the 'catalyst' to summon True Assassin. He never went to the Grail at all.
Yeah, I get that after a second look. I know True Assassin is the one who ate Fake Assassin's remains, to stabilize himself. And looking, the Shadow actually appeared for a second in the darkness as Shirou and Saber are making their way to the temple, so it must have existed before Caster died. Not exactly sure how, though, since I was under the impression that it was the corruption of the Grail working through Sakura and wouldn't exist until the Grail had something in it, but it definitely did exist before Caster died, and the text vaguely implied it seemed to have some kind of role in True Assassin's summoning, even if only in the sense that it gutted Fake Assassin while Zouken did his work. And it does seem it's the one that ate Caster's remains, as well.
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