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Old 2010-09-26, 02:46   Link #3031
Altima of the Gates
Casting a spell on you...
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Where there are no mallets or tentacles.... and the female cast of Tenjou Tenge is mine, all mine!
Age: 40
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... But that is the least sensible option! Caster even basically says it wasn't her!

Caster: Hah----I killed my Master? I killed Souichirou-sama? Fuh----- haha, hahahahahahaha! That is funny! Perhaps I should have done so, if it was going to turn out like this...!

Y'know what? Screw Word of God, I'm just going with 'True Assassin killed him'. It makes more sense. Frickin' Nasu.
Well, with the new info you could interpret it as her breaking down and saying, "Well, if it was gonna be this way anyway, I should have just killed him and moved on rather than falling for him."

There you go, more reasons to hate Zouken! He most likely had Kuzuki come back to Ryuudo Temple already "bugged" as a trap for Caster. She freaks, stabs him before Zouken can do whatever he was planning then Saber and Shirou come in at the aftermath. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me.
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