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Old 2010-09-26, 13:10   Link #3035
"Hey, Isaac?"
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Originally Posted by Cherry_Lover View Post
Whilst I can see your point (it seems damn weird to me too), I would have to point out that Caster had known Kuzuki for a lot longer in UBW than she had in HF. I would assume that their relationship would develop at least a little over that time.
Like, how much longer? Wouldn't it be a difference of a couple days at most?

Erm, I think she could, actually. Without her reinforcement, he couldn't even harm her. Archer proves this in UBW when Kuzuki attacks him once Caster is dead.
Well, he couldn't kill her, but in hand-to-hand combat she is really nothing worth mentioning. I'd think he could at least manage to get away from her, if not actually win.

Actually, she killed her original master with it.
Oh. Well, just plain wrong on that count, I guess.

I'm pretty sure it's not that simple. TA is good at killing masters, but if he could kill them when their servant was stood right next to them, then Zouken wouldn't need Sakura to help him win. I would imagine that Caster would be able to detect TA if he were to attempt to attack Kuzuki like that, especially in the temple.
Yeah, I can see your point. Zabaniya has kind of a big charge-up time, he probably couldn't stay under the radar while using it. It's probably more likely he pulled out the Dark then and just used his throwing knives from outside the window or something; they move at bullet speed and one would do the job, if he had the element of surprise he could have taken out Kuzuki before Caster even knew they were under attack. Alternatively, he and the Shadow could have pulled their usual tag-team; that worked on better opponents than Caster.
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