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Old 2010-09-26, 13:59   Link #3039
Test Drive
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Originally Posted by Cherry_Lover View Post
Hmm, I'd have to check when the relative events happen. I doubt Kuzuki found her prior to the start of the game, though (since she wasn't sucking prana from the town at that point), so I would imagine that it would be a substantial difference.
I'm a little confused now. I was always under the impression that in the beginnings of all three routes, the gas leaks in Shinto could be contributed to Caster, which meant that she had been going at it for some time prior to Shirou getting involved in the War; it's only that it really gets fully explained as to what's going on in UBW (and hinted at best with Fate, if I remember right).

Also, maybe I misinterpreted the scene, but I got the feeling that HF Caster was just as much in love with Kuzuki as her UBW counterpart, hence her horror and somewhat insane laughter when Saber assumes she killed him herself. Unless Caster has a track record of falling in love with men who treat her well insanely quickly, that would imply that she had been with Kuzuki for awhile before the TA was born from Fake Assassin, so maybe at the least her feelings for him were starting to develop.
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