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Old 2010-10-10, 18:55   Link #5068
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Redgrave City
Age: 35
Most of Touma's speeches are about the same, but I have to admit this one where he nailed Fiamma spot on was quite ingenious.

On the over hand, I'm just tearing my hair out over the teasing of Touma's powers and all this crap about ''what imagine breaker really means''.

Yeah I had considered the possibility that it was Lucifer inside of Touma. But Lucifer had lost to Michael, and whatever this power (again, where was the dragon even mention?) is it's stronger than Michael. I like the theory of a new unexplainable being/god that would overtake the Christian God to become the new top religion sort of in line with the real life religion of 'thelema' and the legend of the book of law ending the age of Christianity when open in vol7.
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