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Old 2010-10-10, 19:15   Link #5071
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Age: 30
I wonder how the power sealed by Imagine Breaker is connected to the observations Accelerator made about Touma while fighting him in volume 20? Remember, the unconscious precognition and Touma's unusually high tolerance for pain. Was that hinting that Touma's true power is something similar to the angels'/divine beings' and are just severely restrained by IB?

Also, what do you guys think about Kamachi doing a SS3 after this volume? He usually does them after major arcs/events end in the story (SS1 was after the vol 13 conflict and SS2 was after the Aqua encounter) and it would be great if this time he focused on what the supporting characters in Academy City were doing during the English Civil War and WWIII and a little after the end of the war, as Touma was away for quite a while (2-3 weeks I believe). Considering SS1 focused on establishing GROUP and SS2 dealt with characters all across the Index world in various time frames, I believe the focus I suggested for SS3 would fit as an interval for the next big arc.
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