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Old 2010-10-16, 20:38   Link #3810
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
so many little Natsu.... it's hilarious! this reminds me of Naruto's clone technique, except in FT, the clones get reduced in size A LOT.

I've no doubt that Natsu will win, else how would the story continue? as to how would he win? porbably something along the line of both luck and strength combined. Maybe Gildartz acknowledges Natsu's power and strength at the end and finally manages to "hold back".

I think the likely pairs to lose would be Juvia's and Elfman's. The two most insignificant pairs since they aren't part of the main team. And I can't see Erza and Mirajane holding back... not them two.

wonder which lucky pair gets the easy path of not having to fight?

Chrome Shelled Regios
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