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Old 2010-10-19, 08:54   Link #243
Ahou ga
Join Date: Feb 2009
Age: 47
In ways, Essence+ is a fair bit of a disappointment as I look back on it now. The "extended" original routes were a big letdown with the exception of Kikyou's sub-route on Sia's route and possibly the extra epilogue bit after the credits at the end of Nerine's route. Mayumi, Tsubomi, and Kareha's routes were also pretty lackluster. Tsubomi and Kareha's routes were all fluff and no substance, and while Mayumi's route had some interesting plot points it just wasn't executed very well. Not to mention they gave her a fashion sense that makes it look like she gets dressed blindfolded in the dark. And let's not get started on Nadeshiko's route. Biggest trainwreck ever.

The only really compelling reasons to play Essence+ are for Sakura's route and Daisy's route, which really do stand out as the best in the game and are far better than any of the original routes as well. Daisy's route even begins to touch on some of the sorely underused potential the game's setting provides. Of course, to access Sakura's route you have to at least finish Kaede's and you can't access Daisy's until you've done all the other routes in the game.

One can only hope after Princess Princess that Navel thinks long and hard about what, if anything else, they want to do with the Shuffle franchise. If they're still going to do more follow-up games I'd personally prefer to see ones done for Daisy and/or Asa, but that's nothing more than wishful thinking. Their other new series, Ore Tachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai, seems to be more currently popular so perhaps that's where their creative forces will focus instead.
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