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Old 2010-10-28, 23:42   Link #263
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Originally Posted by Blayne Barudorii View Post
I have an idea for a fanfic let me know if its been done, if it hasn't I'll start writing it:

Watching 'To Aru...' and seeing how magic is presenting and the fact that Index herself holds 103,000 magical texts makes me think "She HAS to have the Necronomicon" and would be cool to write something oriented around it.

Basically the world is being invaded by Eldritch Abominations from "Outside" reality via rift by Necronomicon and so in a last ditch effort to save the future Humanity has finally unlocked "Level 6" for espers and only have the ability to give it to one person as time is running out, the person who I haven't finished making up yet is given it to his Teleportation power and now a level six allows him to theoretically travel back in time to change history.

Okay, has anyone done something close to this already? If Not I should have the first chapter done in a week.
I don't believe that anyone has come up with such an idea- I do suggest you be careful with original characters though. It's really easy to make them into mary/marty-sue's.

As for Necronomicon itself- It has been mentioned by Index in the first episode itself, referring to it as one of the 'fake' grimgore's floating around. I'm not certain though- someone should go back and check.
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