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Old 2010-11-01, 01:54   Link #255
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
How's that an "entirely different" meaning and impact from how collapses like this normally play out?

Comedic pratfalls like this frequently involve the male lead falling on top of an important tsundere character (as is the case here), and part of the humor is nervous laughter and chills down the spine at how she's going to react to that.

To elaborate a bit further on why I disliked this fanservice bit... Ore no Imouto has admirably aimed to be very realistic. In fact, I perceive that to be the whole point of the show: this is an anime about what it is like to be an otaku in the real world (as opposed to, say, the comedy world of Lucky Star). This makes suspension of disbelief very important for Ore no Imouto to achieve.

By injecting a comedic collapse that is not very realistic, the anime really risks breaking that suspension, and making itself look like a more slapstick-driven comedy like Love Hina!

Nothing necessarily wrong with fanservice like this in Love Hina!, but here in this anime I think it runs contrary to what the anime seems to be trying to achieve.
The thing is, I don't find the fact he groped his sister that unrealistic - accidents happen. The fact he half ripped her top off in the process is, admittedly, pretty implausible and why I said I thought that bit wasn't a great idea.

In addition, while I think Ore no Imouto is a pretty realistic show by otaku anime standards, I don't think it was ever intended to be entirely realistic. Remember, the initial gag of the series is "my little sister is secretly into lolicon incest eroge". Even considering that I know a few female eroge players, I find that an improbable occurrence. Or heck, just consider the lengths Kyousuke is willing to go to to cover for his sister. So to me, the show has never been above using the occasion improbable element for dramatic and comedic value.

I've had "cliche induced facepalm" moments too, this just isn't one of them.

(Also, I think there's something about the fact that it's his sister that both makes the scene funnier and more of an "Oh s***!" moment for me. The usual "falls on a tsundere scenario" just doesn't have the same impact - or gravity - for me.)

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