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Old 2010-11-10, 16:54   Link #10
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Lord of Fire View Post
At the start, he knew he was halfway there. I'm sure he knew that having her hang out with him wouldn't solve her problems, but he used the time to find out more about her and buy some time. Eventually, we saw him looking at the promotional material announcing her big concert, so I think he saw her disappearing at the crucial moment coming. And when she did what he anticipated, he knew which way to go to resolve her problem.
Hmm.... Now I haven't read the manga or anything, but I'm not sure if Keima was quite that clairvoyant. I'm also not sure that I totally buy his "I was ignoring her on purpose to bring our her issue" argument either; at the very least, I think he was also genuinely uninterested. That being said "persistence" and "going with the flow" are the two cards he's played so far, so I think you're right that he's playing those cards again. I suppose, from his perspective, there's no reason to "rush the plot" since he figures it'll happen anyway (which is a very "galge" approach to the issue). But I think if he had paid a bit more attention, he could have put the pieces together more quickly.

Basically, I feel like he was just sort of waiting for the pieces to fall together on their own rather than trying to push things in a certain direction. That's not bad necessarily, but it does explain why (in an abstract way) this story gets three episodes whereas the others got 1 and 1 1/2. (The true reason arguably being that they're using this arc to promote CD sales... )
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