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Old 2010-11-18, 10:33   Link #18
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Originally Posted by kemal_1915 View Post
Yozora's personality really is a problem but still we don't know why she act like this.
It seems that she is afraid of large group of people in public (Agoraphobia, perhaps). The source of this reaction is unknown. Her popularity maybe increase if a good reason is given.
Possible but doubt it. Mio from MM was the most popular heroine even though you dont know much about her and it focused more on Yuuno in the beginning.

Some types attract and some do not.

And I think short hair really made her worse looks wise as well. Don't have anything against short hair - for some characters it suits better like Rinko from Loveplus or Ai from amagami, but for some it just doesnt look good on and Yozora is an example of it, specially when you can place the images before the haircut and after next to each other.

And looks are important. Not determing factor but important. And considering that Senna looks better in all other factors as well even if we learn about Yozora's past it won't change much. Senna will be still most likely be significantly more popular.

The only fields that author can try to catch up is screentime, development with hero and maybe change hair design to make it more appealing (like shoulder length or short but cut in a different manner or long again).
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