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Old 2010-11-27, 08:57   Link #825
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: The land down under.
Originally Posted by wingzerosnuggles View Post
Yeah, same here. T_T But yes, arrangement have been made. Let's hope the delivery goes well , and my scanner doesn't conk out.

In other news, another Japanese blog summary:

Something about Treize being downloaded into Heero and Zechs being downloaded into Relena hence the conflict?
WAIT! I can't find the December 2010 issue.

And I checked the shipping prices. What the fudge man, I was wrong!
They're all higher than the actual magazine. Wow that's a downer. I ordered this box of keychains from Japan May this year. Shipping cost me like 7.00AuD. What the heck happened...

But yeah if it's delivered to the Philippines it's way cheaper.

Anyway, I got mates who are on holidays in Japan at the moment. I can't believe I forgot that. I'll ring them first thing tomorrow morning [12.00mn here right now] to buy both the 12.10 and 01.11 issues and send them to you. If they say no for whatever reason I'll have them banned to return to Australia forever... no, I can't really do that. But yeah if they say no or they can't find the stuff [excuses, excuses], I'll proceed on ordering it from one of the shops you guys directed me to.

Either way, it will take a while. Eeep.

So if anyone gets ahead of me and Snuggles and puts it out for everyone, obviously that would be lovelier.

PS The subscription thing? Yeah. Only available for the US and Canada.
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