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Old 2010-11-27, 10:29   Link #235
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Iwakawa Base
Age: 32
I would like to say that if the final scenes of episode 1 weren't clear enough, Touma in fact was able to heal the person Ouma tried to save.

And about the suitcase, are you saying that Accelerator should have considered to cease his attack within the seconds he was talking and focusing on Awaki?
I mean, he obviously targeted Awaki, not the suitcase. It was only destroyed because she used it for defending herself.
If I were Accelerator and if I had the intent on knocking out Awaki, but happened to hit the suitcase first, I surely wouldn't be able to think:
"Oops I hit the suitcase, let's land and let her escape, the sister experiment won't be started anymore and it doesn't make sense to hit her anymore"
within those two seconds I originally intended to knock out Awaki.
Besides, if you really just want to think he is some psychopath (let's ignore the gender stuff...) then there is less reason to question his actions, and he can't be compared to Touma because he simply isn't him.
Also, while the suitcase still existed, it was reasonable to punch either of those two (Awaki / suitcase).
Btw. since Touma wouldn't be able to destroy the suitcase with just a punch, I guess he would have punched Awaki just like he did punch Agnese, but Agnese's case is yet another topic.
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