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Old 2010-12-05, 18:14   Link #52
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Slaping Mayuri Kurotsuchi around in Quincy Town :D
A Teacher should not be a profession, but a vocation. If you believe otherwise, then how can any "students" take you seriously on the job? Teaching is more than placing facts into heads, it's dispelling ignorance...a very serious and necessary task. But it's a bit off topic at the moment, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt at this point in time.
Off topic
I you wondered why I never pictured you as a teacher I still can't now especially a ELA one that shocked me on all levels, but then most people show I different personality online

Getting back on topic
Also regarding what Gin said earlier on fanfiction being illegal. If that was true Fan fiction. net is illegal and all those fan fics read online would be more limited but there not. Fan fiction would be truly illegal when it is used to get money without the originators consent
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