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Old 2010-12-07, 00:52   Link #111
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Join Date: May 2007
Well, welcome to the world of light novels, slice of life light novels in particular. Popularity is on entertaining value since there really isn't not too much 'drama' you can put into a slice of life novel because there are no monsters or mechs or evil forces or supernatural powers or magical transforming abilities. So Kyousuke getting beating up is part of the entertainment (though better managed because Kyousuke has a voice in the light novels, in anime he can only communicat verbally). Light novels are 'light' on weight and in other areas, too - afterall they are sort of pick-up read on the spot medium much like manga.

It occured to me, the plot of Kirino's 2nd phone novel, the one that she was 'researching' for in ep7 is an exaggerated case of 'dramatic' slice of life novel. If you consider the traffic accidents or adultry or terminal illness essential for character development and plot, then I suppose it has all these elements. And no wonder it was rather popular with school girls! (in the 2d Oreimo world of course..)

I pose this question, what exactly constitute character development in the context oreimo? Kirino to grow nice? To hug her brother? To declare to the world that she's an otaku and take on the fall-out? I dunno but then perhaps the ending credits will just roll.

Instead we get in this episode...

Kirino being a control freak - questioning Kyousuke social activities
Kirino reacts voilently to Kyousuke's girlfriend comment
Other girls intentionally trying to hide their interaction with Kyousuke (perhaps more due to the fact that they helped Kirino behind her backs and she doesn't even know yet?)

Yeah she's a bitch. Still like it though!
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