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Old 2004-10-15, 03:07   Link #145
/Ultimate Magic Attack!!!
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Time Warp/Future
Originally Posted by evil|plushie
bleh, if they're going to change so many things, they might as well not call it an adaptation. In fact, they're better off not calling it Gankutsu O. They might as well call it the Gonzo of Monte Cristo and just say it's 'inspired' (in the way rabid yaoi fangirls are inspired by harry potter to write badly written harry potter yaoi fanfics) by Dumas's original work. It's very obvious when you name a show the Count of Monte Cristo, people are going in and expecting the Count of Monte Cristo.
to be fair to GONZO, it's not the first time someone try to write an adaptation of Count of Monte Cristo and name it Gankutsuou in Japan. around 1868, there was this writer named Kuroiwa Ruikou who did the first Japanese adaptation of Count of Monte Cristo called Gankutsuou which supposedly became very famous and was the first "Gankutsuou" and one of the first novels that started the whole Japanese detective story genre. Personally I have not read this "first" Gankutsuou, but since it's supposed to be a detective story, I don't know how well it sticks to Dumas' original work, closely or not.

About the plot development in ep2, well, I'm not sure, but as I mentioned that I hope GONZO's Gankutsuou can become something like Rhapsody of Zephyr, I guess I should be happy about it. Rhapsody of Zephyr is a fantastic Korean PC RPG which is very popular in Asia, I heard it's the most popular Asian PC game, and it has been translated to Japanese and I think it sold very well in Japan too. It also displays "Alexandre Dumas Count of Monte Cristo" as Original Work. Actually I kinda wonder whether GONZO's Gankutsuou is in some way inspired by Rhapsody of Zephyr, as in that game it's also in a pseudo-medieval-futuristic setting, with mechs and things...

So I guess we shouldn't really complain if GONZO's Gankutsuou deviates from Dumas work, or that it is named "Gankutsuou", as although Dumas original work is also called Gankutsuou in Japnese, there is also this "famous detective story" called Gankutsuou... but then I guess we need some people who has read this Kuroiwa Ruikou's Gankutsuou to tell us how closely it adheres to Dumas work...
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