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Old 2010-12-25, 22:44   Link #499
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Originally Posted by jfs View Post
I can't remember if FFmpegSource handles Windows Media stuff. You might have some luck if you can remux the file to MKV, rather than the closed ASF container. (The WMV9 video coding is published as a standard, the container format is not. Correct me if I'm wrong.)
and...nope, doesn't work sadly. oh well...
btw, why does aegisub state that it is not a player, thus everyone can shut up about it?
the problem i'm having with .wmv is related to subbing, not just convenience. i can't typeset moving signs when my video is .wmv. if i reencode it to other formats, typeset that, then mux the subs with the original .wmv the result is a mess with the subs being off. this is probably related to .wmv being VFR and the reencoded shit is always constant frame rate. so you can't just shift the subs, not moving signs.
soooo, why the stubornness?
just in case, cause i'm a noob, i'll ask this - is there a way to reencode .wmv retaining the variable frame rate? although this probably belongs in another thread...
PS. i know i sound rude, but really i'm just curious. i swear.
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a) I’m batshit insane or mentally challenged. Nyan!
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d) I was accidentally dropped into a barrel of whiskey, so now I am constantly drunk.
e) Go home and die! Dattebayo!
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