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Old 2010-12-26, 03:44   Link #24
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by milan kyuubi View Post
Nice chapter But there is no way for Kakashi and others to defeat those guys. There are only three known ways to defeat zombie. To set their soul free by talking to them (which Kabuto made impossible now), to make Kabuto dispel them (which he want do) and sealing them (the death god seal, which they want use). Kabuto did said he will see if he can control so many zombies this way in the same time. He probably want be able to keep his jutsu on for great amount of time. I can just say now that zombie will kick their ass (Kakashi's and others) but will dispel just before giving killing blow.
Is that supposed to be quality entertainment?

Also Guy was very cool with his little speech, especially when he called that ninja 'rookie'.
Yeah, because that's what you do in the middle of a combat situation that requires cooperation from your peers who already have strained relations with you is talk down to and practically insult them.

Honestly though, this was a pretty decent chapter. At least, it's as good as it could be under the circumstances.
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