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Old 2010-12-28, 22:28   Link #757
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Originally Posted by karice67 View Post
Reverse order: he's just asked after Ranka when she butted into the conversation, but you're right that it seemed to bother her.

I would like to point out, however, that (1) the show doesn't cover the time between the filming of "The Bird Human" and its release, and (2) that Sheryl, as Kawamori et al noted in the commentary, seemed to have resolved to accept Ranka as a (friendly) rival in the entertainment world by the time of the premiere.

Going by production schedules IRL, the missing time should amount to a few months at the very least. Did nothing of interest happen during those few months?

Remember however, the advice that "you have to become the role" which he gives to Ranka in this episode. I would say he's not 'acting', he's becoming the character, like the actor he is. The question is, can he separate this role from who he is?
That maybe true but let's take into account how did Alto treat the situation, especially after the fact? Especially after it happens how does does he treat it. There is something about immersing oneself into a role is that ones one ability to separate them self from that role is dependent on how attached they are to said role, as well as how long they were playing it, and how they were prepped for it. If neither criteria is met then even an actor who has problems separating himself from the roles he plays won't have a problem separating himself from a brief role he/she once played, because it was too brief for them to gain any attachment to, and probably didn't have that much preparation for.

That being said Alto acting as Shin in the movie for that specific scene would mean we would have to look at Shin's own reaction to Mao was at that time, and after wards. Because if Alto did immerse himself into the role then you'd have to look at Shin and his own behavior towards Mao. Did Shin consider it a kiss, or just mouth to mouth resuscitation? Did he spare any second thought to it?
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