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Old 2011-01-09, 14:00   Link #39
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Originally Posted by HurricaneHige View Post
I also use the term 'moe anime' to dismiss anime often. The context though its because the creators/designer designed the story and characters that cater to the largest or most popular 'moe'-traits. For example, loli, cat ears, tsundere are some of the traits that are massively popular among anime otakus. If an anime is designing characters and story with that in mind, and the main selling point IS the two, then I classify that under 'moe-anime' and drop it before it hurts my brain.

You can have moe characters in an anime, but if it is the sole selling point then the anime becomes a waste of time. (i seem to have gone off on a tangent...)
Yeah, at some point you stop feeling like you're watching a story and are simply being manipulated by "producers with a checklist". It gets worse in rough economic times when they're afraid to try something new. I'll concede that along with the "lets stick THIS in it and lure the X crowd in!!!". X can be 'cat-ears', 'mecha', or 'ginormous boobs'. The rarer good anime comes when producers rise above the "lets make money" bar.

A large reason for a good deal of anime is that it appeals to the closet-otaku salaryman who just wants to relax and be nostalgic about simpler times (that may never have really existed but so what?). They're the ones with the wallets...
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