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Old 2011-01-10, 17:32   Link #874
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Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
1.) We know Yasaburo wants Alto to return to being an actor from episode 19, it is made explicit there.
2.) Ranzo accepting that Altos passion is flying only happens in episode 24, when we get his short scene of accepting it. It is made quite clear from episode 4 that at this point he only sees the Kabuki actor in Alto and is not accepting that Alto chose his own path.
3.) Given that at this point Ranzo is unaccepting of Altos chosen path and that Yasaburo also wants Alto to return to acting, it is clear that both do not see his chosen vocation as a pilot as something which they need to accept and respect. They want to impose their vision of Altos future on him, without his opinion being taken into account. This is why Yasaburo constantly tries to manipulate Alto, by calling Altos motives into doubt.
1. I think you're getting ahead of yourself, but keep the context of the conversation in mind. Is he talking about Alto or is he talking about Sheryl, who he just overheard Alto yell at.

2. If you were a father ( a proud man) and you're only son (and only child mind you) ran away from home, not that long after your wife died. Then you see him sometime later on, but he makes no effort to go talk to you. How would you feel? upset? angry? Take that into account and then look again at Ranzo's reaction to seeing Alto after so long.

3. How do we know that Ranzo unaccepting of Alto's chosen path? Alto hasn't spoken to him yet. In fact we've never once heard Ranzo speak on the subject, at all until episode 24. In other words you're drawing your own conclusion without a base.

I am not completely discounting that Yasaburo also wants Alto to simply reconcile with his father. But his stated motivation, as said in episode 19, is to want to manipulate Alto back into acting. I am not saying that he didn't amend his motivations somewhat over the next episodes, as it is clear that he saw that his first overt attempt at manipulating Alto didn't work out, but I do not see the simply altruistic Yasaburo you are portraying.

Maybe you could call him altruistic in the sense that he doesn't want to get the inheritance and responsibility of Ranzo and that he simply sees Alto as the better candidate, but until Altos refusal to come back opens his eyes, it seems very clear to me that he isn't taking Altos choice to be a pilot seriously and just thinks that Alto is "acting a cheap role".

Which, of course, comes back to the main topic of our discussion, that Yasaburo is full of shit when he says that, because his motives are suspect and his information faulty.
I already said that I don't really want to bring it up until episode 19, but consider the context and who Yasaburo may be talking about, is it Alto or is it Sheryl? I mean he basically just overheard all of Sheryl's conversation with Alto, and he heard what Alto told her.

Something to also keep in mind is Alto's position as a stunt pilot at the beginning of the series, a role which Alto doesn't give up, even after he joins SMS. In fact he seemingly continues this role up until, episode 22, after which he joins the military to protect Frontier. Remember that Alto was accused of showing off by posing when he first joined SMS. Alto is never really does stop performing until the later episodes when sh*t hits the fan, and Alto can finally admit to himself that he does care about Frontier, the very same place he loathed at the beginning of the series. We can't very well say that Alto in the later episodes is the same Alto at the beginning of the series, when their behavior and motivations are different.

Its still way too early in the series to say that Alto has his motivations straight, as his words to not line up with his actions. Its not that Yasaburo says that Alto should return to acting it's that he already has, despite Alto saying differently. He was just pointing out the truth, and again if there wasn't a ring of truth to it then why was Alto thinking about it? Things don't get under your skin unless they are somewhat true, and Alto is still thinking about it hours later. Now stop and tell me have you ever mulled over something that someone has said all day, when it wasn't true? If something is not true you usually forget about in one or two hours but not the whole day, and especially not so seriously.

No matter how you try to water that down it is suspicious. And yes Alto may not truly know himself fully yet (or until the later episodes at least), but he may know himself enough to know when he his treating something like a roll. So no I wouldn't say that one should throw out the conservation as just Yasaburo being conniving because it was Alto who was shown mulling over the conversation, long after it happened not Yasaburo.

On that note I'm merely pointing out the various reasons why Yasaburo would want Alto to talk to Ranzo, which is gamble itself (albeit not a very good one).

Both instances of him acting were under duress, i.e. first off orders to be stunt double by SMS and secondly after being emotionally manipulated into it by his friends for the underwater shot.

Which other family member of Alto would that actually be? He only has his father and I wouldn't view the conversation any different then, given that his father was just as highly biased as Yasaburo was.
He did it at the beginning of the series, and he could have refused those orders or let someone else take it (which wouldn't be very hard, considering Sheryl's popularity). Not only that but the series starts off with Alto doing stunts for Sheryl's concert, and then again in episode 19. With the "Bird Human" movie Alto wasn't really at all. The director just made a deal to give Ranka more scenes if and only if Alto played a part in the movie. But then Alto got upset when he believed that he'd have to play a female and so outright refused even when his friends begged him to. Now if Alto was truly abhorred to acting then he would have stuck to his guns. But instead he just keeps re-iterating the fact that he doesn't want to play the role of a female. He doesn't volunteer for the role of Shin for that one scene until much later in the episode. If he truly hated acting then he would have stuck to his guns and said no. In other words non of them were times that Alto acted under duress.

Exactly what it says if any other family member who used the same words, would you ignore their words as well?
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