Thread: Licensed Wolverine
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Old 2011-01-12, 15:41   Link #97
Zu Ra
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Mortuary : D

I had two thoughts before watching Wolverine . Will It live up to the movie / Will the Character Designs be stuffy and restricted as Iron Man

Well I like the Character Deigns of Wolverine its a delicate mix between Bishonen and Jackman .

The Opening sequence wasn't exactly breathtaking but none the less satisfying . The action Sequences are quite spectacular featuring the right amount of grit and gore .

It would be really nice if the seiyu learnt correct pronunciation of names . The word Logan almost felt like noise in through out this episode .

The All Important Question How Does the anime compare to the movie . It Fall Short , as the mediums/packagings are quite different episodic/movie .

But as a stand alone a nice anime to watch . Also it quite sweet how they are tweaking Wolverine storyline to match animeverse .

The plot seems intriguing . As its the first episode lets say looks interesting . Definitely a must watch anime this Season ..

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