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Old 2011-01-17, 23:43   Link #15340
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Akiyoshi View Post
They're badass because they're winning. It's a matter of time before someone higher on the food chain appears over them.
Every manga story of this type has a new enemy appearing who appears higher on the food chain at some point, and usually quite frequently. It's one way to introduce risk to our heroes, and a "how will they get out of it this time?" feeling. Without a real chance that the villains are a threat, there is no drama, no tension.

Besides, I don't see that the Hucks are higher on the food chain necessarily. I'd say it has been mostly equal so far; at least, with our heroes using their new weapons. Nanoha got taken by surprise with a short range teleport move, but Fate seems to be able to handle it. She seemingly handled Cypha on even grounds for the short time in the ship.

And I'm trying to get a handle on Bardiche's change there. I thought it was a double-bladed spear like thing in AEC mode, but it also seems like a sword in a couple of shots. Two modes, then?
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