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Old 2011-01-19, 10:51   Link #8
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Hmm, in the first episode, the stuffed animal told Madoka "You have the ability to reject despair". This is presumably the despair that is spread by the witches. Perhaps it means those with the potential to be magical girls are those who can resist the witches' effects.

However, the family clearly wouldn't be immune at all. The magical girls hunt the witches but why not the witches also target the magical girls and their families? Even just pure despair being poured out on the family could cause major issues (understatement).

If a magical girl, as often suspected, can turn into a witch, then this could be one avenue it could come about.

Perhaps Mami isn't a witch only because she snapped a bit and thus has that near-perpetual disturbed smile on her face.
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