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Old 2011-01-20, 12:38   Link #37
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Eisdrache View Post
Jesus Christ so it is cliche. So what. The setting is solid, the characters interesting, the male lead isn't as dense as a rock, the animation is fluid, the visuals are appealing and the show has a certain 'something' that is appealing to the viewer.

People really are bothered by minor issues these days.
While Haak summarized my stance on this show I'll explain a little more.

The problem with a show being cliche for me is that I've seen TONS of anime. I do not particularly care for the 100000000th rendition of the same stock characters and archetypes and tropes without anything special to add to it. Right now this show has absolutely nothing going for it. The characters are extremely flat. The gags are not funny. The setting is rather bland.

Also, I don't find the visuals particularly appealing, and the action scene was lackluster so any amount of frames wouldn't do any better for it.

I am unable to see what this "something" is for viewers. The harem + action setup always seems to generate tons of interest. The anime community eats up this kind of garbage easily.

The show is a sad joke to me. That is all. Probably going to drop it in 1-2 more episodes if it cannot offer anything else.
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