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Old 2011-01-21, 04:02   Link #38
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
^Yeah, I'd also prefer if Oda didn't simply rehash Shadows Asgard for Jones (especially since so many people accuse the character of being an Arlong rehash already....). Personally, I think it would be cool if he completely tripped out when he inevitably ODs on his pills, which would force Luffy to go all out against him (which, in turn, may lead to Shirley's dark prophecy being fulfilled)......
I'm hoping Jones has some knowledge of fishman karate too as binding his hands would be a good way of keeping that hidden from us or possibly from him doing something too dangerous while taking those pills. Though that also leaves us with the question of can a merman learn fishman karate? I'll be horribly disappointed if this arc doesn't give us a true taste of underwater combat since we've only really been teased with Jimbei's underwater prowess and Arlong never fought underwater.

I'm fully expecting an overdose on those pills either way. If he takes a dozen of them he would have the strength of a few thousand humans.

Theres also the question of where did those pills come from? I'm intrigued like you by the fact that we were shown a candy factory just a little while ago and then a bunch of pirates who were "lucky" to acquire pills.... Maybe we'll get a complete turn around and there will be a larger opponent who forces Luffy to take those pills instead. Van Der Dekken has to play into all of this somehow too.
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