Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll iDOLM@STER the anime (and spin-offs)
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Old 2011-01-27, 19:15   Link #17
seiyuu maniac
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
Would be far more interested if this was a Xenoglossia sequel,but alas.

If you ask me Xenoglossia took what could have been a painfully dull concept for an anime adaptation if played straight up and made it more workable and interesting for a 26 episode anime. Up to that point I had never really seen an adaptation of a series I would have had zero interest in following reinvented into something I found surprisingly fun and watchable.

If people would rather watch an anime about cutesy girls singing cutesy songs while dancing cutesy though then by all means, don't really see much of that sort of thing in anime these days right? Hope that goes memorably for ya'll. It's your turn now so make the most of it.
As always, trust Kaoshin to make inflammatory comments on subjects matters he has no knowledge of.

It would be equally an abomination to borrow an established mecha anime in name only and turn it into something totally different. Something such as the Toei Mecha Girl project perhaps? The moe crowd will lap it up and would probably claim it is "more interesting" than the original mecha shows they were based on (come'on if you ever watched the original GaiKing I challenge you to say that it was actually an interesting super robot show compared with the other classics). But given that these shows are parodies they can still get away with it. Xenoglossia is really just at a completely different level of alteration. All the fans asked was that if the company is going to do a totally different show, then do it properly and not borrow an establish name, otherwise it reeks of no confidence in the show that they are producing in that they had to borrow a name to do bait-and-switch marketing. That's why people criticize it.

And to be honest we really haven't had a true non-magical "idol" anime since, I dunno, Love Doll 4 years ago? If you just lump everything into a big "moe idol" blanket then yeah, we've probably have a few of those recently (I'm sure you are thinking K-On, considering your history of a crusade of sorts against KyoAni, but really it doesn't take 2 brain cells to see that imas and K-On shares no similarities except they both have girls singing), but Idolmaster as a pure "girls wanting to be top idol" with no magic/sci-fi/fantasy spin kind of story with no ero/romance is a pretty rare story line (otherwise I suppose White Album and Macross would count ).

As for cutesy songs, imas song variety is really diverse and has half the casts that are highly skilled singers, not just moe/high pitched singers that sings denpa/moe songs. Any songs by Chihaya, Azusa, Makoto, Takane and Hibiki are almost guaranteed to NOT be cutesy songs. Go listen to "Aoi Tori", "Arcadia" by Chihaya (Imai Asami), "Tonari ni" by Azusa (Takahashi Chiaki), "Agent yoru wo yuku" Makoto (Hirada Hiromi), "Next Life" by Hibiki (Numakura Manami) and see for youself. Then there's classics like "relations", "Overmaster", "Me ga au toki", "9:02pm", "massugu", "inferno", "my song" etc, there are so many good non-cutesy songs from Idolmaster that brushing it off as "cutesy" is just plain ignorance and shows that you have no objectivity.
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Last edited by houkoholic; 2011-01-27 at 21:52.
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