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Old 2011-02-01, 06:41   Link #632
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Originally Posted by Axilios View Post
Bad example, there is still a lot of ways of countering this thing, or rather you can interpret it in many ways.
However the real part which is annoying (doable, but REALLY a pain) when making a theory without Shkannon is this damn love duel, especially after ep7.
THIS is annoying when you want to find something which make sense and isn't an asspull.
Well, with his nonexistent canon truth, Ryukishi is kind enough to give us enough freedom in order to make other theories work, I won't complain about this personally.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a schizophrenic psycho, then I'm going to assume it's Shkanon rather than some other theory. Even Ryu isn't that bad of a writer. The way the red is given is(someone correct me if I misunderstood, my Japanese isn't perfect) "once Shannon is dead, we will also consider Kanon to be dead, and his masterkey will be treated as destroyed." The intention is clearly there.

Are there any other conclusions we can draw from the text besides Shkanon? Yes, but not without ignoring much of it and being willfully blind. At that point we might as well stop reading and write a different novel ourselves.

It's unfortunately the canon explanation, and trying to come up with an alternative one feels like fanfiction to me rather than theorizing.
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