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Old 2011-02-07, 08:38   Link #18
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Land of the rising sun
One of the biggest problem within Japanese centralized bureaucracy is that bureaucrats are turning the coin of "Civil Control" to their own advantage.
In essence bureaucrats cannot call the shots since they are, like the military, under civilian control and only elected official can make the final decision on which way to head, but in order to make that delicate decision you first need to comprehend the entire situation since you only have limited amount in budget.
Now the minister asks what is essential and what is not, bureaucrats having all the information simply answers everything is essential and adds if we need to cut something minister you decide but the consequences lies all on your shoulders and we will not nor need not take any responsibility since we are merely servants and hide all the excess funds funneled to "public service corporations" that promise seats as "advisers" and/or "director" after retirement from the ministry.
In other words they are securing their retirement plan with the sacrifice of commoners.

One point, I am not saying all public service corporations are useless some banks are essential to promote development like Japan Export Development Bank but the majority are useless.
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