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Old 2011-02-09, 10:02   Link #224
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
Ah, so you're gathering them all up and then sending them all out one by one eh? I like this plan NightWish, also glad to hear the amount you have so far I'm not quite good with making riddles myself so I might give one that's too easy.
There's more riddles then that. I alone, submitted like ten, and I imagine there's crazier people then me. The contest (currently) won't use more then one from each person, per round so it's better if more people submit. As for riddles being too easy, you can just do what I do. Submit the riddle, and only the riddle. Then wait for NightWish to give it a go. If he can solve it in one go, it's too easy, otherwise should be fine. (submit the answer and explanation afterwards for validation) Now get to riddle making! :D
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