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Old 2011-02-15, 17:29   Link #898
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Sherringford View Post
Bullfuck. The message was really clear, no matter how you cut it.

"It's not magic=everybody dies, Ange is miserable forever."
"It's magic=everything is good!"

Episode 8 was basically a long speech about how evil wanting to know the truth was. People wanting to find out about the truth are portrayed as VILLAINS. This isn't a case of "magic and reality are good." It's a case of "reality is bad so please run off to fiction."
Eh, I'd say it's more like:

Not magic = everybody dies, Ange gets over it by abandoning her past and moving alone into the future.

Magic = everybody dies, Ange gets over it by resolving to carry the memories of the past with her into the future.

I'm also pretty sure there's some connection between "magic" and trust, but overall the message is muddled since Ryukishi doesn't seem to be very good with metaphors.

Originally Posted by Jan-Poo View Post
Well isn't it what "magic" is about? In this case the options are "trick" and "magic". That of course means that one implies something that can be done by human means, and the other implies something that can't be done by human means.

The two doors were at opposite sides not one next to the other. In my opinion that symbolize that each answer was the exact opposite of the other.
Well, my assumption is that the final riddle isn't meant to be read literally, and that "trick" and "magic" don't necessarily mean the same thing they've meant throughout the rest of the series. It wouldn't be a very good riddle otherwise, and Ange wouldn't have needed all of Episode 8 to come up with an answer. I don't doubt that they're symbolic opposites, though, but I don't necessarily think that means that either choice is wrong.

Last edited by Mcjon01; 2011-02-15 at 17:44.
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