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Old 2011-02-18, 06:53   Link #889
Criminal Unrequitor
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
There has been no mention or rumor of a season 4 anywhere, and if there were it would be on the ZnT section here. But it still does remain a possibility.

You guys are also forgetting Railgun S2; no, no formal announcement has been made, but really, as popular as Railgun is we know an S2 is coming. (and Railgun S1 wasn't mentioned at all until 6 months prior to its debut) So in the priority line, Shana S3 comes first (airing this fall I believe), Railgun S2, and then Index S2. (not to mention a possible 4th season of Zero no Tsukaima) Add to that the fact that JC Staff has a habit of airing its big series-es in the fall quarter only (all seasons of Shana, Railgun, and Index have started in Fall quarter), and that means as much as 2 1/2 years before we get season 3. (6 months 'til Fall '11, and two years from there) Furthermore, that still doesn't include the possibility of another season of Hayate no Gotoku.

So yeah, it's going to be a long haul for Index season 3; Fall 2011 for Shana S3, Fall 2012 for Railgun S2, then Fall 2013 for Index S3. Not including another Hayate season, although JC Staff did their season of Hayate from April to September and not from fall quarter. (Zero no Tsukaima is just a one cour series and all three seasons have aired from July to September, so if a season 4 comes it'll most likely be in the same area)

If we're lucky (don't count on it though) JC Staff will start "doubling up," airing Railgun S2 right after Shana S3 so we can get Index S3 next Fall. Barring the possibility of more ZnT and HnG, that's most likely the fastest we'll get Index S3. (again, don't count on it)
There's also a possibility for a new big franchise too. We might have to wait the same way Shana fans are waiting.
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