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Old 2011-02-25, 00:48   Link #182
Join Date: Feb 2010

Did nobody notice the colour of Homura's Soul Gem when she was trying to kill Sayaka? PINK?

- Every MG up to now has had their Soul Gem match their character colour (or rather, hair colour).
- Kyuubey claims that Madoka is the only one in the world who can break physics. Therefore, she's also supposed to be the only one with the potential to manipulate time (Homura's power).
- Homura doesn't actually break down until she hears Madoka's QQ session about her worthlessness.
- Also note that she continually emphasizes Madoka not causing suffering to those around her. Not "wishes never come true" or "this is the worst mistake in the history of mistakes", just that one point over and over again.

I dunno, the show seems to be heavily pushing towards Homura being future Madoka, if only the Soul Gem. Which then begs the question: is Homura the Body actually the black cat from the OP, "transmuted" into a girl?
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