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Old 2011-03-01, 00:21   Link #22091
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Originally Posted by haguruma View Post
While I wouldn't side with Mirrored on the whole scale, he has a point.
In the end our so called justice systems in the world are nothing more than organized revenge and retribution justified by a self-constructed moral.
Somebody has been wronged so the culprit must be wronged in return to make it right again. In the end locking somebody up or sentencing him to death is not about any kind of natural justice, it is about revenge and is done for those who feel wronged. I myself would want the murderer of my relatives to be punished, as long as it is somebody I don't have a probably even stronger relation to.
If your father murdered your mother, would you want your father to be punished?
Maybe, but what if your mother was a terrible woman who threatened to kill you but you cannot prove it? Your father would have done something good, but he would have to be punished because of what...justice?!
Of course we need that justice or else we wouldn't be able to uphold states and nations, not even families. But that does not mean we shouldn't question them from time to time and accept their flaws in individual places.

Some people here also talk about the innocent victims of Rokkenjima. But I am let asking myself who was really innocent in the end?
Dr Nanjo? The one who probably delivered the baby and knew all about the girl kept prisoner on the island?
Genji? Who was basically Kinzô's right hand and had the heir of Kinzô and Beatrice Castiglioni be put into the house as a servant to reinact his masters delusions?
Kumasawa? Who idly stood by while one girl was kept prisoner on the island and another was unhappy her whole life?
Or Gohda? A pathetic coward who wouldn't even start to question the obvious problems at the house in favour of money and fame?

There were no innocent people on Rokkenjima, probably, in a judicial sense there were only guilty people on Rokkenjima...but does that mean there were no good people on Rokkenjima?!

Some people see justice as nothing but revenge, but that's not how justice should be. There's a reason we don't have death penalty here in Europe. However that's a long shot from saying that one shouldn't get punished at all.

If my father killed my mother I'd want him to be punished? Imagine what Battler would answer if you asked him that question. I think he's never been really forgiving to his father.

The other example you made wasn't a good one. If someone kills in self defense or to protect others he's not accountable of murder. If someone who did that still gets incriminated for lack of evidence, that's simply not justice.

As for the list of guilts, you are perfectly right on those, but then do you think they deserve to be remembered as perfectly good and honest persons?
I don't see anything wrong in exposing their crimes, that might be degrading for their memories, but that's their damn fault!
If you want to be forgiving, forgive them after you know what they did. Not knowing what they did isn't being forgiving, it's just being ignorant.

I remember very clearly that Battler both gave her the key to unlock the diary and said that in the end he would've let her have it
I remember very clearly that he forbade her to use her key on that diary!
The way I got it, Battler gave her the freedom to use her key on anything except that diary.

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