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Old 2011-03-01, 19:48   Link #3492
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by Hooves View Post
Then it went to the fight where Yuji released the true form of SnH yes?

So you're going with the past theories that Shana is trying to use the "power of love" to try to get to Yuji and try to make him see some flaws in his ways? Or atleast try to resist Snake's current hold on him?
Shana's group went through the gate then Sabrac appeared to fight them but Shana went on ahead to where Yuji was but before she could reach him SoF true body was released.

It was revealed in vol 17 of Shana's past memories of Shiro that "love" was the strongest unrestricted spell in the world that would defeat all other spells. Shana took Yuji's hand in an attempt to reach him but it failed. In vol 18. Shana wondered why her spell din't work on Yuji but she din't give up and said to face Yuji in a meaningful way she would need her powers. So I guess for her to reach through to Yuji she would need to be able to fight at the same level as Yuji and she was able to do so in vol 21. Now we just gotta wait for the final novel and see how she does it.
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