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Old 2011-03-07, 03:47   Link #1464
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2004
While it's nice to have a bit of discussion, I'd like to point out that the aforementioned poll is just someone's private fan site, so I wouldn't read too much into the results. For instance, the blog owner mentions right in the upper corner that he's a die hard Haruna fan, so I'd take any poll surveys with a grain of salt, just the same way if someone posted character poll results from, say, a IshidaxZaraki4eva livejournal community. The results are bound to be skewed based on the community a site attracts.

On the previous topic, I'm pretty content with how TLR-Darkness has been going. For what it is, it's doing things marvelously. The plot is there and moving along. Various characters have developed more in 6 chapters, than in 18 volumes of the previous series. The fanservice is varied and looks great. Wanting more plot is fine, but it seems to me that Yabuki's priority is to draw an ecchi harem comedy, with a bit of story flavor. If he gets more plot heavy, that's ok, but I won't expect any more than the fanservice/romance/story ratio we currently have. If you make your like or dislike of the series solely dependent on whether the series will "sober up" or change in some big way, you may as well spare yourself the trouble (ohoho) and drop the series for a year or so, then check up on how things have developed.
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