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Old 2011-03-10, 15:56   Link #89
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: At home
Based from the spoilers I read, the plot is like Higurashi with Homura being Rika. Unless Madoka doesn't make a contract with Kyubey and that Walpurgis is defeated, Homura has to jump on another timelime until both requirements are satisfied. So how will Homura meet those requirements? First she has to think of a way to defeat Walpurgis.

Possible ways to defeat Walpurgis:
- Band everyone together. Homura has to group everyone together and make sure they don't get depress too much or they don't break. With all of them working together, I think they stand a chance on defeating it even without Madoka's help.
- Find the source. If Walpurgis was once a MG, Homura can just find this person and either prevent her from making a contract or from being a witch. (Though personally I think this won't even be included on the story.)
- Do what Kyoko did to Sayaka. Though I don't know if her self-destruction is enough to defeat it.

But if it's a certain fact that Walpurgis can only be defeated if Madoka is a MG, then Homura has either have to become stronger or have everyone stay alive by the time Walpurgis comes. That way, Madoka don't have to give all of her powers or become a witch.

About the MG->Witch, I don't know if there is a way to change that or completely remove it. I mean you can't turn an adult woman into a kid again (it's physically impossible but mentally and psychologically possible).

With this kind of plot, I'm not expecting a happy ending where everyone is alive and happy, but I'm not against having a miracle occur.
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