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Old 2011-03-15, 17:28   Link #144
Slashy Slashy!
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Sherringford
But having an unreliable third person narrator feels cheap. There are a few well done novels like that, but they are few and far in between.

Why would a character lie? Because he is the culprit, of course. Why would he lie to himself? Because he isn't lying. He's just being elusive with words.
Umineko is a story being told to someone. A character would lie in their own thoughts, because Beatrice (or whomever the storyteller is) wants them to lie.

Which means...

Originally Posted by Renall
Thinking about it that way, I actually have a lot of problems with disclaiming scenes in which a person is thinking in the first-person. I mean, who is the audience for Natsuhi or Rosa's thoughts? No one. Why would they just make something up?
Battler is the audience for Rosa and Natsuhi's thoughts! And we are, from an even more meta perspective.

Basically, all of Umineko is unreliable because the culprit is the one telling us the story. And the culprit happens to love mystery novels.

Edit: on an unrelated subject, Coppola's only good movies are Godfather I and II, and Apocalypse Now (some of my favorite movies of all time!). The rest of his catalog ranges from mediocre to shockingly bad.
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