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Old 2011-03-17, 06:52   Link #137
Extra Superior Otaku
Join Date: Sep 2008
Vol 17 part 4

“Huh? …It’s surprisingly honest of you to actually put change into the vending machine, Misaka.”

Mikoto couldn’t say anything in response to that. Just when she had thought she had built up thick defensive walls around her heart, she found out they were made of sponge so they did nothing but soak up water. Mikoto’s eyes began spinning.

“Wh-what’s gyoing on… This is where I usually reject him and run off. Why do I feel so feel so comfortable here!?”

“Hah? Wait, why are you getting all biri biri? H-hey, you’re going out of control. You’re sending sparks everywhere…no, this is more than sparks. Did I do something wrong!?”


“Funya? That’s not an answeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!”

The sound of sparks that must be bad for the heart rang out.
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