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Old 2011-03-22, 19:42   Link #22377
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Join Date: Jan 2011
On the one hand, he was using Umineko to create a highly successful franchise by relying on the interest generated by his successful Higurashi series to generate more success and the typical greed-related stuff.

On another hand, you have the possibility that he created a mystery, and then decided to neglect to reveal the answers just to make a terrible point and just stick it to the reader, and those that actually thought about the mystery he presented.

Alternatively, you have the possibility that "the mystery" was all a bunch of nonsense deliberately set up to lure in mystery genre fans in order to justify his bizarre, unsubstantiated, and outright nonsensical "anti-mystery" faux-genre.

What we definetly have, though, is the fact that Ryuukishi spent time building up the importance of a thinking, intelligent reader who tried to find the answer to the story, only to deconstruct what that meant one episode later (while further glorifying it), and then to further attempt to deconstruct and thoroughly mocking the concept in the finale.

There are other possible scenarios (such as the mystery stuff always being a red herring to draw in more readers to what was only ever a better-than-average doujin fantasy story), but the accusations tend to tie into the three I outlined above in some way.

On the other hand, I may not be thinking clearly at the moment due to food poisoning, and have forgotten some possibilities.
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