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Old 2011-04-08, 05:06   Link #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Gensokyo
Okay, I may love To aru, but the second season was just above the average.

Firstly, the pointless first episode, totally aside the time line of the story. JC Staff could have spared us that.
Second, really, the adaption has been tasteless for me. The Orsola arc, by far too many episodes for what it was, making the pace of the next arcs by far quicker than it should have been. The daihaiseisai ... I don't know why but I enjoyed it when I read it but watching it put my level of enjoyement near zero.

Actually, I really began to like it when the new OP aired with episode 18. It was great, yeah the adaption was good, the pacing too, maybe because Slice of Life Index is the best Index but whatever.

The episodes 21-22 were pretty weird, with unexplicable situations ( Kihara kicking Accelerator while Index talks about ' saving her' ) but still I liked them.

Coup de grāce given by the SS, I would have prefered 3 OAV as for Shana, than 1.5 episodes of fail adaptation. Nothing explained, you don't even know why Musujime is playing the terrorists nor what is the plan of Skill-Out if you don't have read the novel.

Because I have read it, I compare the two, I don't know for non reader novel how they felt for the Second Season, yet for me, I only really enjoyed 5 episodes, 18 to 22.

Total rating : 7/10
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