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Old 2011-04-08, 18:12   Link #1061
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: in the land down under...
Hm...not really sure if it's a good idea to add to the discussion of the 'romance'... but I guess I'll give it a go...
Originally Posted by Father Hentai View Post
That he is not feeling for Ranka is out of question. That he tells her how he feels is something what he should have done at episode 15 when both girls made a song contest in the hospital. It was very clear that both are not only making fun of the situation but that they have a heart for Alto. Furthermore he had the same chance to tell the truth when he sneaked into Rankas room, where she asked if what she is doing was correct. And latest when playboy Michel told him that Ranka was only singing for him. The interesting part is that Michel , who is actually a playboy, is telling him to tell her the truth already. But then the situation on the rooftop happens.
Originally Posted by wisteria233 View Post
How can Alto know what Ranka is going through when she doesn't tell him? The boy isn't psychic. Your giving him responsibility to something that he has no reason to think is a problem, and why should he? It helps to protect Frontier's people, that's all he knows as Ranka hadn't told him anything else. The situation on the rooftop was wholly Ranka's fault for blatantly putting her hopes into something that didn't mean anything, and on that in hindsight was pretty stupid of her. There was no logical explanation for why Ranka would even think that, which is why I say that it'd be funny if Alto was the one writing the K.
Originally Posted by Father Hentai View Post
It's not about responsibility but honesty I am speaking. Even though the did not peer, they remained friends. Should friends also not be even honest with their emotions? While Ranka needs to learn this, Alto is in an age where he can do the first steps.
I agree with wisteria here. You can't expect Alto to tell Ranka 'he's not interested in her' if she hasn't said anything to him. It doesn't matter if everyone (well, Michel) has been telling him that Ranka likes him, unless she says it herself, he can't just come out and say 'I'm sorry...but right now, I only feel friendship for you' or something like that. It's just not something people do.

p.s. For the above, I'm putting aside what Alto actually feels wrt Sheryl and Ranka, cos I'm sure people can still debate that til the end of time.

To be honest, I think we're spending too much time on the ******** triangle. Alto's character arc has at least as much to do with his changing feelings about Frontier as with his relationships with the two girls, if not more.

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