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Old 2011-04-08, 19:56   Link #1067
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Location: New York, NY
Originally Posted by Father Hentai View Post
When I spoke of easymode I spoke only of making decisions. Not about the casualties and that it is getting easy after that. Everybody is about to have a hard. And don't you think that the loss of Michel did not affect the SMS crew and Ranka only because they are handling the situation different?
And what he's just supposed to just get over it easily, like nothing ever happened? Like the event itself shouldn't weigh down on him? Again where is your logic coming from?

Alto is not the only one whose life changes 180°. So it's no excuse that he alone has a hard time.
I never said he was the only one with a hard time. But still considering the circumstances which you gleefully ignore there isn't an excuse that needs to be given.

I wrote that because he can now focus of being a pilot MF and hanging not with his feelings between his duty or his heart.
Because being gleefully unaware of one girl's feelings for you while hanging out with another one along with your friends, going to High School where you're popular and being on the right track to achieving your dream is so hard (sarcasm).

Lets discuss this in the after the review of the next episode. There is more behind Ozma and Alto rather than only that Ozma understands why Alto stays with the fleet.
umm you can't say that understands what Alto is going trough because he doesn't know what is going on in Alto's personal life.

Ranka is managed by Grace. She definitely is manipulating Ranka to do things she really did not want to do. And speaking of Grace. She could have had the chance to trap Ranka on Frontier as well. Think about that Brera can be slaved all the time and the person closest to Ranka at the moment was Brera. So it's no reason to blame that Ranka further that her decision to leave was wrong because she flies into a trap.
And Grace always gave a choice, always gave her a chance to say no. How is suddenly Grace's fault that Ranka never said no, even when given the opportunity to do so? Also Grace could have trapped Ranka in Frontier? Aren't you getting ahead of yourself in making theories that hold absolutely no basis? Grace only has complete control over Galaxy, Ranka only ended up in her complete control after she left frontier. If you have ignore facts in order to make Ranka totally innocent then maybe you should re-evaluate your reasons for liking the character. There is a reason why people don't consider Grace manipulative for what happened to Ranka, because a big part of it was Ranka just making bad decisions, and not voicing her refusal even when given the opportunity to do so.

Only because I question the comments of someone does not mean I am a fanboy of a character he commented negative. If you want to blame me a fanboy, then of him:
Spoiler for The one under the hammer:
no you're right what makes you a fanboy are your words, and obvious skewing of the events of the series to make your favorite character look good.
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