Thread: Crunchyroll Dog Days
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Old 2011-04-10, 14:50   Link #465
Lord of Fire
The Voice of Reason
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 47
So, because he doesn't seem to be willing to spend time with all those girls, because he apparently cares for those who left behind in his own world, after getting abducted into this one, makes him a retard or a idiot?

Would you rather see him hump those girls right after he met them? Is this the scenario you would like to have seen?

"What's that, Princess? You're grateful that I helped you win that battle? Well, if you really want to thank me, how about you and me doing it 'doggy style' tonight, in my room? Hey, you know what? That Captain of the Guard, you know, the girl whose boobs I felt? Have her come too. I'm sure she has the hots for me, so it's only fair that I get to hump her too, right?"

Seriously, most of these guys are clueless or purposely distant towards these girls for a reason. Some are genuine idiots, but not ALL are.
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